Thursday 17 November 2011

Num3RoLOgY NuMb3Rs 4

The 4 Life Path is practical and down-to-earth, with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled, and you are decisive and methodical, employing a step-by-step rationale approach to problem solving. Once committed, you do not give up easily.
You are not one for get-rich-schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours while building a business career; you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise tenacious and persevering, you have a great potential for success, but only after putting out effort, and by overcoming the limitations you so often encounter.
Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community. Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in the community. However, you can be rigid in your ideas, and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man.
You are loyal to those you love, and work well with others. It is important that while being part of a team, you have your responsibilities and well-defined task, but you perform better when your responsibilities are not overlapping with those of others.
Your potential for success is particularly good in areas such as banking, accounting, management, organization, building, agriculture, science and the legal fields. You have to be careful not to be bossy and rude. You posses rare discipline and perseverance, and not everyone can keep up with you.
You can handle money carefully, and you like the security of a nest egg. Your love for work often leads you into a career early in life. Because of your methodical nature, you can easily become rigid and stuck in convention. You can also be overly cautious when changes are necessary. This can cause you to miss opportunities that present themselves. You must cultivate flexibility in you character.
You are well-suited for marriage and often become a responsible, loving, parent. However, anything that violates your profound sense of order, such as separation or divorce, can be a shattering experience for you? You easily become obsessed and even vengeful, seeking your own definition of justice. You are courageous and a true survivor. You are a builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical, traditional values pay off to provide you with the rewards you seek and deserve.

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