Tuesday 22 November 2011

H3art br00cH


  • heart-shaped template
  • coloured felt or any coloured fabrics
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • embroidery floss and needle
  • brooch backing
  • soft-toy filling

To make your felt heart brooch, the first step is to draw a heart-shape onto some plain paper and cut it out. Trace around this template onto your coloured felt twice.

Now, cut out two heart-shaped pieces of felt.

To embroider a word or name onto the front of your heart, you can use a pencil firstly to trace out the word you'd like to use. Then embroider it on using your embroidery floss.
Skip this step if you prefer to make a plain heart brooch.

On to your other piece of felt, you'll now need to secure the brooch backing. Sew it on firmly so that it won't come loose!

Now its time to sew your two heart-shapes together. Use blanket stitch and sew around most of the heart, leaving a small gap so you can stuff your brooch with a little filling in the next step.

Using a small amount of wadding, fill your heart-shaped brooch with stuffing. Don't overfill, you just want a heart that is a bit soft and squishy :-)

Now you can finish sewing around the heart with blanket stitch...

Its cute rite... here are last piece...

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