Thursday 1 December 2011

gIfT 4 hIm

Gifts in a Jar for Your Lobed one

Homemade Gifts in a Jar: Love Messages

For Love Messages - You Will Need:
  • Nice paper
  • A computer
  • Printer
  • Your imaginationFor Gift Jars - You Will Need:
  • Nice clean glass jar with sealable lid
  • Labels, these can be designed and made by you on the computer
  • Colored ribbon, twine or other things to be used to decorate jar.
    1. Select your jar. If it needs cleaning, clean and dry thoroughly.
    2. Search for love quotes, messages, your own love thoughts. You need 365 of them, for each day of the year.
    3. Type your love messages on your computer, either using the same font or a variety.
    4. Print out onto nice paper (again maybe have several different colors.
    5. Cut up into strips with your romantic love messages.
    6. Decorate your jar label with "365 love messages" or similar.
    7. Put your messages into your jar , your gift is ready.